Bogatyrsky Set

Bogatyrsky Set

Mititei" (pork, beef), chicken skewers in bacon, chicken wings, chicken and pork sausages, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, herbs, adjika sauce, chili sauce, mayonnaise sauce. Salad "Olivier" (boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, chicken eggs, canned peas, boiled chicken fillet, pickled cucumber, mayonnaise, quail eggs, relish). Salad with herring (herring fillet, potatoes, carrots, green onions, beets, chicken egg, mayonnaise).

Delivery within 3 hours or by pre-order only.

Contains allergens: soy, chicken egg and quail egg, celery, mustard and mustard products, fish and fish products, grains containing gluten and derivative products from grains containing gluten, derivative products from milk.

2900 gr

775 mdl

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40 mdl